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We have seen God move in so many ways; we have seen the dead be restored to life; we have seen thousands of decisions for Christ; we have witnessed financial miracles, and we have seen the Holy Spirit move.  When we invite the Holy Spirit, and allow Jesus to move through us, many wonderful things can occur.  Watch these videos and see how God is moving through us.   

Our Ministry In Action

This video is a demonstration of how the Holy Spirit moves through every service.  Sometimes there is laughter; sometimes there are tears, and sometimes there are deliverances, but the Holy Spirit is ever-present in our services.  This was at The Rock Church in Elizabethtown, KY.  Watch as people feel the fullness of His Spirit.  Sometimes, this can occur for hours at a time.  The Holy Spirit and it's annointing has no time limit. 

This is Sledgehammer in action in Peru.  He and Pastor Dorman Pollett conducted revivals and ministered to more than 10,000 people.  God was moving, as services would last for six hours.  The Peruvian people were so excited about Sledgehammer's coming, that they had a massive parade through the streets of Ica.  Watch as Sledgehammer and Pastor Dorman are ministering, while people are being filled with God's love.  Watch as one professes his faith in Christ by being baptized.  There were hundreds of baptisms, and even more decisions for Christ.  We hope to do the same in Nicaragua in June 2014. 

Do you think that the Holy Spirit only moves through adults?  Think again.  Jesus says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these".  Jesus also talks about a child-like faith.  If everyone had child-like faith, there would be joy that we, in our present, cannot imagine.  Watch as Sledgehammer ministers to these children, and watch the Holy Spirit touch these precious children.  This video was taken at the Rivers of Life Church in LaGrange, KY, in September 2013.   

This is Sledgehammer in action; here, he is sharing his prophetic gifts and the annointing of the Holy Spirit with youth at The Truth Outreach in West Union, SC.  He, then invites the Holy Spirit, and laughter, crying, and the overwhelming of God's presence is heard and seen.   In this service, there 65 youth who attended, and 25 made decisions for Christ.  Watch as Sledgehammer ministers to these youth in a powerful way. 

Contact Infomation:


For those who have been following us, we have moved to Kentucky!!  Our new address is 107 McCormack Avenue, Elizabethtown, KY, 42701. 


For services, or other questions, please feel free to contact us at +1 (864) 723-6002, or


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For current events and service times, feel free to visit us on Facebook.  Become a fan, or become friends with John and Marshelle Killian. 



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